What has your experience wit B4RN been?

B4RN Experience - Has it been good, bad or average? Did you get a well managed installation? Are you happy with the speed? Let us know your experiences here.

I arn really happy with my B4RN connection, I am one of the early customers and helped (and still do) as a volunteer to get people connected. It is a brilliant community owned company, and it has helped thousands of rural homes and farms get the best connection in the country. We are now supplying 10 gig connections, because it is so easy to do. Most of our customers are on the 1 gig connection, which is more than adequate, but it is good to know that as needs grow the capacity is there, for the future. B4RN has trained, and employed local people to fuse, blow fibre, run the network and admin and now employs about 80 people. It is now in a position to help many more communities with the knowledge and infrastructure it has built over the last 10 years. It has also helped other altnets in other parts of the country to start their own networks.

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