Is it really true that 95% of the UK has access to fibre broadband from BT?

I’ve seen quite a few quotes that BT provides 95% coverage for fibre in the UK is that really the case? I can’t get BT fibre at my house… am I part of the 5%?

These figures may be true. The fibre black spots in the UK (areas without fibre) tend to be where street cabinets are sparsely subscribed, meaning the return on investment for upgrading those postcodes with fibre would be low-to-none. This is mostly rural areas, but more and more are finding that even within urban areas close to local exchanges, that they can’t get fibre.

BT claim that by 2025, ADSL will come to be a dead product, in light of more widely available fibre (FTTC, SoGEA, FTTP)… But can they achieve UK-wide fibre by 2025?